As part of best practice for data management, National Imaging Facility (NIF) with Australian National data Service (ANDS) worked on developing an informatics tool for ingesting and archiving imaging datasets.
This tool was developed by Dr. Andrew Janke from CAI and The University of Queensland (UQ) node and is called the “ImageTrove”.1 This project was funded through a grant in 2014.
The objective of ImageTrove is to provide a ‘low resistance’ path for the NIF users’ data, which can be ingested into a curated and managed data systems such as the OMERO, Mediaflux, LiveArc, DaRIS and myTARDIS.
The path feeds data into Characterisation Virtual Laboratory (CVL) and provides an autheticated layer among differnt NIF locations and RDSI based national level storage allocations.
ImageTrove is the primary pathway for all data within NIF and provides availablity to CVL and Research Data Australia (RDA).
Recently, Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (CMM) have adopted the software for managing datasets obtained from microscopes, MRI and CT machines.
ImageTrove provides reliable and accessible storage of data, that can be made available to collaborators or external researchers. It provides a secure, robust and consistent form of data management for researchers.
For more information:
A. Janke
Image reference: National Imaging Facility Quarterly Newsletter Q1, 2016 ↩